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Appreciatiion to The Voiceless Media - Abdulai Abdul Razak

26, 12, 2023



I humbly pen this to articulate my appreciation to The Voiceless Media for the support in publishing my articles for the year 2023.

My special appreciation goes to the CEO Chief Akilu Sayibu for the motivation, guidance, encouragement, and words of wisdom in shaping my love for writing.

Undoubtedly, I cannot pay for the opportunity granted to me for all my publications free of charge irrespective of the number of articles written for public consumption.

This opportunity has paved the way for so many people to realize that God has blessed me with your platform as the medium for my voice to be heard by the public, particularly the Elephant fraternity, NPP.

In summary, I wish the entire team of The Voiceless Media a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year in advance, and may it bring lots of opportunities and God's blessings

Thank you.

By: Abdulai Abdul Razak ✍️

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